City Theater

In 2019, at the center of Tehran, one of the most iconic performance venues in Iran got out of order and needed new and modern equipment. By installing a lift orchestra and completely reviving the upper stage machinery, IRSA turned the city theater into a new and capable complex to respond to the huge enthusiasm of Iranians in art and theater. Challenges such as the installation of a trap lift in the old turntable, the coordinated operation of all parts of the hall with only one control panel, creating a suitable space for the orchestra without destroying the structure of the hall, and replacing worn-out equipment were challenges of this project. By installing more than 20 fly bars, a light bridge, an orchestra pit, and trap lift, movable wings, and a sliding arch proscenium, City Theater has become one of the most complete and modern theaters in the Middle East.

Year Of Completion: 2020


City Theater Gallery